Skin Whitening Injections: Quick survey

Skin Whitening Injections


Skin Whitening Injections are becoming popular all over the world and people are using it more and more because everyone, male or female, wants to achieve their complexion as soon as possible. Do it not in a month, but in a few weeks. The desire to get a dark complexion is seen as a frenzy among boys and girls these days.
For this reason, many people are seen using various tips and creams to get a fair complexion. It is also seen on the internet that some people use kitchen items like gram flour, rice flour, tomato, etc. for fair complexion. However, the use of glutathione in this regard is rapidly increasing and becoming popular.

But all of them do not know what is the reality of these injections and when the injection is administered and what is the correct method of administering it and what are the mistakes we do after administering the injection that lead to Not only the skin is badly affected, but many diseases are caused in the body.
In this situation, what precautions should be taken and what should be avoided and there are many questions and important points that without thinking, everyone is just taking injections to whiten the complexion, all of them are very important. There are things that we should know. Now let’s examine all these situations in depth.

What is glutathione (Skin Whitening Injections) and its working:

It is an antioxidant that is present in every human being from birth and the liver plays an important role in producing it. It performs functions like boosting immunity and slowing down the aging process, fighting and building anti-cancer germs, it strengthens the human body’s immune system and rids the body of harmful germs.


Fair complexion enthusiasts are so engrossed in trying to make their face and body fairer that whenever they hear of any new skin whitening cream, medicine or injection anywhere. So they start using it without checking whether there are any ingredient in the medicine or cream that make the complexion ugly and bad instead of fair and beautiful.

Skin whitening injections contain the following ingredients:
  • Glutathione
  • Kojic acid
  • Vitamin C
  • Arbutin
  • Collagen
  • Hyaluronic acid

All these ingredients are included in skin whitening injections but for best results it is important to consult a dermatologist before using this type of injections as they can cause side effects in some people.

Use and Duration of glutathione (Skin Whitening Injections):

These injections are very easy to use and treat. Doctors inject the patients according to their skin tone. The injections for whitening are used for three months, that is, a three-month course of treatment. In the first month the patient is given 10 injections While injections are given three days a week and then reduced to once a day, a complete treatment involves 16 to 20 injections and maintenance is required.

How long does it take for these injections to show results?

The results of these injections come out according to the skin of each patient because each person’s skin is different, some have sensitive skin and some have normal, so the time is different for each patient. But usually you will start to see visible results within six to eight weeks of using it.


  • These injections are actually anti-oxidants which means they cleanse the body by removing waste materials from our body.
  • Initially, when this injection was invented, its main purpose was to treat cancer. That is, these injections were given to cancer patients before their therapy. But later, with the passage of time, doctors saw the clear difference made by its use, not only cancer patients were recovering, but due to the antioxidant present in it, the patients’ complexion started to change. The color turned from black to white. Since then, this injection has been used to lighten the complexion.
  • Apart from cancer, there are many other diseases such as bone or joint treatment or cataract treatment can also be done through this injection.


  • By using skin whitening injections, itchy inflammation and dark spots on the skin fade and the skin becomes thinner.
  • Patients should not walk in the sun or go near the skin after the injection, as this may cause their skin to become discolored and dark instead of white.
  • Injecting too much can also lead to hemotoxicity and kidney failure.
  • The use of these bleaching injections can cause diarrhea, weight gain, asthma, rash, chest pain, graying of hair, and difficulty in breathing.
  • If the continuous use of Up Injection is discontinued, over time the effects of the treatment will gradually wear off and the skin will become darker and worse than before.
  • One of the disadvantages of using skin whitening injections is uneven skin tone. Due to which the skin color becomes unbalanced and some parts of the body are more white while some parts remain black, which makes the person look unnatural.
  • As we know very well that today’s young generation prefers fair skin color a lot, it is causing many moral problems in the society. And this is one of the disadvantages of this injection.
  • Most skin whitening injections are expensive. It causes a financial burden to the common man especially when it has to be used continuously.


  • These injections are dangerous for the health of boys under the age of 15 and the elderly Because they use different drugs.
  • The effects of glutathione injections tend to wear off with frequent consumption of alcohol and barbecuing, as well as exposure to X-rays and sunlight.
  • Environmental factors such as pollution and secondhand smoke, strenuous exercise, and poor diet can all reduce or eliminate the effects of glutathione.
  • Pigmentation injections should not be given to pregnant women and lactating women as it may affect their health and the baby. And such girls who do not start menstruation also cannot be given this injection
  • After taking this injection, you cannot use any normal soap on your skin, but face wash must be used along with maintenance and whitening creams and medicines.
  • Skin whitening injections are not effective for every skin and it is important to consult a doctor before using them.
Skin whitening injections by Dr. Rajdeep Mysore (consultant dermatologist and dermato-surgeon)
Skin Whitening Injections: Before and After Comparison.


Skin whitening injections can make the complexion more beautiful and bright, but like a wise person, before using such injections and medicines, its pros and cons should be considered However, for best results, get your skin thoroughly examined by a dermatologist so that he or she can give you the best recommendation as to whether these skin whitening injections are right for your skin and health. Are they effective or not?
For further information Click Here

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