Fat and Obesity: How to Loose body fat or weight

Fat and Obesity


Body fat and obesity are two major health problems. Knowing about and controlling these problems is very important for a healthy life. Both of these topics revolve around body fat ratio and health.

The main difference between the two is as follows:

Understanding Body Fat & Obesity:

Body Fat:

Fat is very important for our physical health. It works like a digestive organ in our body. Fat is an important source of energy in our body. It performs various functions in the body. Like providing energy to the body, which protects our body from cold. This body fat accumulates in different parts of our body. So fat is a very important requirement of our body.


Obesity is a condition in which the amount of fat in our body is excessive. Obesity is harmful and dangerous to both our body and health. The fat that we have in our body is only present under the skin of our body. Which keeps our body warm and protected from cold. While obesity is not only present in our body in large quantity, but it also starts accumulating in the form of fat around the internal muscles of our body. Which causes many diseases in our body.

Body Mass Index ( BMI):

The increased fat in our body which slowly starts to take the form of obesity. Body mass index is a simple and common way to measure this obesity status. With the help of which you can easily measure your body fat. This scale evaluates the ratio of a person’s weight and height, whether that person has a healthy amount of body fat or is that person obese

Formula of BMI:

(Weight In Kilograms) / (height in meters)²

BMI classification:

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Body Mass Index (BMI) is classified as follows:


People with a body weight of less than “18.5” are called underweight.

Normal weight:

People whose weight is between “18.5 to 24.9” are normal weight, that is healthy people.


people whose weight ranges from “25.0 to 29.9” are overweight people.

That means they need to reduce their weight. If they gain more weight than that, they become obese.

According to the scale recommended by the World Health Organization (BMI), a person is classified as obese if he weighs 30 or more.


Obesity is further classified into three categories which are as follows:

Obesity class 1:

People who weigh between “30.0 and 34.9” are in the first category of obesity according to the BMI classification.

Obesity Class 2:

People who weigh between “35.0 and 39.9” are in the first category of obesity according to the BMI classification.

Obesity class 3:

This is a severe type of obesity. People with this severe type of obesity have a body weight of “40.0” or more.

Causes of Obesity:

These are the following causes of obesity in our body:

1) Bad Dietary habits:

One of the serious causes of obesity is carelessness in our eating habits. Because we do not take care in our food and drinks and do not eat and drink in order due to which our body starts to suffer from obesity. Foods that are high in calories such as fast food, junk food, drinks, etc. All these foods are high in fat and provide more energy to our body. When we start eating more than we need, our body starts to store the iron as fat. Apart from this, eating unhealthy food and eating more and more often increases our body weight which leads to obesity.

2) Lack of physical activity:

Lack of physical activity is one of the common causes of obesity. Most people nowadays spend most of their day sitting. For example, working on the computer in the office, watching TV or mobile phones, these are all activities that spend more time sitting. Because of this, the metabolism of our body starts to slow down and you gradually become obese. Therefore, it is very important to have physical activities in your daily routine. So that excess fat does not accumulate in the body due to lack of exercise and your weight remains under control.

3) Genetic factors:

One of the major causes of obesity is hereditary obesity. If a person’s parents or anyone from generations have been obese, then you are more likely to be obese. Genetic factors not only accumulate fat in the body, but also cause obesity, hunger, fatigue and affect the metabolism system.

4) Not having a proper diet:

Most people do not take care of their food and drink and do not follow a proper diet. Some people’s lifestyle is such that they neither follow a proper diet nor do any physical activity or exercise, but just eat, drink and sleep. People with such a lifestyle have a higher risk of obesity because they store more calories in their body due to overeating. Due to lack of exercise, calories start accumulating in the body in the form of extra fat. For some people, due to low income, it is easy to eat junk food or high calorie foods, which can lead to obesity.

What diseases are caused by obesity?

Obesity is a serious problem that not only changes your size. Rather, the muscles of your body also become victims of very serious diseases. As a result of which you have to face many problems.
Due to obesity, you may suffer from the following diseases:

Heart diseases:

Obesity has the biggest impact on the heart. Obesity can lead to an increase in the amount of fat in the blood, which blocks the flow of blood in the arteries of the heart and can cause heart attacks. In addition, when weight increases due to obesity, the pressure on the blood vessels of the heart increases and blood pressure increases.

Respiratory diseases:

Lack of sleep due to obesity is a common cause of sleep apnea, asthma and other respiratory diseases. When excess weight begins to increase, the lungs and airways are under severe pressure. This pressure creates difficulty in breathing and causes asthma. Apart from this, sleep apnea and fatigue are also common due to obesity.


Severe obesity causes many people to develop type 2 diabetes because obesity causes insulin resistance and increases blood sugar. Due to which there is a risk of type 2 diabetes.

Joint disease:

Due to excessive obesity, not only the internal muscles of the body suffer from disease. Rather, due to increased weight, the joints of the body, knees, hips and back are burdened. Due to which there is a problem in walking and sitting. Which can cause joint pain and arthritis.

Liver disease:

Obesity is caused by consuming high calorie foods. Eating foods high in calories and fat can adversely affect our liver. Our liver becomes a victim of fatty liver disease. Due to weight gain and obesity, fat accumulates in the liver leading to liver inflammation and liver failure.


Severe obesity may increase the risk of certain types of cancer. Such as breast cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer and esophageal cancer.


Ischemic stroke is one of the most common diseases caused by obesity. This is the type of stroke in which the level of fat in the blood also increases. Due to which proper blood flow does not reach the brain. Decreased blood supply to the brain increases the risk of stroke.

Balance Diets:

Having a balanced diet is very important to avoid fat and obesity. So that you stay healthy and your body gets all the necessary nutrients.

A best balance diet is 60% carbohydrates, and 15% protein, 25% fat plus minerals and vitamins, that is enough for a healthy life diet.

There are following healthy eating habits to control and reduce fat and obesity:


Carbohydrates provide our body with energy according to your body’s needs. Therefore, the use of carbohydrates for daily physical activities is very important.
‘Rice, wheat, bread, pulses, oats, and other grains’ are the best carbohydrates for diet.


Proteins carry out all bodily functions and repair all damaged tissues in our body.
‘Meat, fish, eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese, pulses, and nuts’ are all excellent protein-rich foods.


An adequate amount of fat is essential to keep the body healthy and energetic. Fat helps our body absorb vitamins.
‘Butter Ghee Olive oil Fish oil’ These are all rich in fat.


Vitamins improve our body’s essential functions such as immunity, vision and bone health.
‘Fruits, vegetables, eggs, milk and meat’ are all rich in vitamins.


Minerals perform essential functions such as bone strength and blood circulation.
‘Milk, curd, meat, spinach and bananas’ are all rich in minerals.

An example of a Balanced Diet:
‘Milk ,Yogurt, Oatmeal ,Apples Bananas and fruits’.
‘Chapati, rice, beanes, vegetable and salad’.
‘Meat, Fish, Vegetables, Chapati, Yogurt’.
▪Snack time:
‘Dried fruits or nuts’.

Fat and Obesity Rank in America:

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Population Review, the United States is one of the top 20 countries in the world with high obesity rates. According to various studies and research, the United States ranks twelfth where the adult obesity rate is high. About 40 percent of American adults are obese. The rising rate of obesity in America is affecting everyone, including adults and children. Although the United States leads the way in terms of obesity rates, there are many countries other than the United States where 50 to 60 percent of the population is obese, such as Nauru and the Cook Islands.

About Author

I’m Ayesha Iqbal, a student studying MBBS at Services Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS) Lahore. I write about health for “GenZ Cares” because they care a lot about young people staying healthy. I do research and try new things to learn more about how to keep everyone feeling good. My articles focus on topics like nutrition, exercise, mental well-being, and ways to lead a healthier lifestyle. Through my writing, I aim to share valuable insights and practical tips that can make a positive difference in people’s lives.

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This article is reviewed by “Nashit Aliyan“, a certified Surgical Technologist from Government College University Faisalabad under section 2017-2021. I am 17A medical officer as well as Strategic and financial planning expert and Proficient in surgical field. Me and my team use the latest technology to perform complex surgical procedures. I recommend to “GenZ Cares” because they are really hardworking in their work and care a lot about youth to staying healthy.

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