Walking Pneumonia or Atypical pneumonia

Walking Pneumonia What is Walking Pneumonia? The pneumonia means that is something which affects your lung parenchyma. It’s a Greek word which insignifies lung. So pneumonia means that it’s going to affects your lungs. Walking pneumonia is an infection that primarily affects the lower respiratory system first and then results in decreased lung function and … Read more

Listeriosis: Listeria Outbreaks and its Dx and Rx

Listeria monocytogenes

Introduction: Listeriosis is a condition caused by infection with Listeria monocytogenes. Stereomonocytogenes is a gram-positive bacterium, which means it is rod-shaped. The prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes infection and literiosis has decreased over the past several decades because of improved sanitation practices, with several foodborne outbreaks occurring in the 1980s. But for the most part, the … Read more