Bunion Surgery & Lapiplasty: Which is Better

Bunion Surgery

What is called bunion?

Often we see that some people have a joint at the base of the big toe. The bone of this joint is elongated and protrudes outward. An enlarged bone in the joint of the foot is called a bunion. Symptoms of bunions are common in both men and women.

And why does it happen?


Osteoarthritis is caused by constant and excessive stress on the joints. When we stand for long periods of time throughout the day, due to which there is more pressure on the foot joints. In such a case, there are chances of growth of the joint bone of the foot. In addition to this, due to the increased weight of women, the pressure on the joints increases. The weight of obesity falls on the legs and if they burn more, due to this, the weight on the toes and the joints of the feet increases, which leads to bunions.

Hereditary bunions:

Hereditary bunions can also be the main cause of bunions. If your parents or forefathers had bunions on the feet, then it is quite possible that you have also inherited these bunions from them, due to which the joint bone of your feet is enlarged. A bunion is very painful as this bone formation makes it difficult for the patient to walk more.

purpose of bunion surgery:

The main purpose of is to alleviate the pain that the patient has to endure due to bunion. So not only to reduce the severity but also to eliminate the suffering of the patient completely. Another purpose of this surgery is to correct the shape of the foot. Apart from this, to remove the deformity of the foot bone, these are all the objectives of undergoing bunion surgery.

Bunion surgery is a procedure in which this enlarged piece of bone is removed from the joint. And the bone alignment of the foot joint has to be straightened and corrected.

Bunion Surgery

Why Bunion Surgery?

The need for bunion surgery arises when the patient becomes difficult to walk due to the severity of the pain. Otherwise, it cannot be done in general. It is done only when the pain becomes too severe.

How is Bunion Surgery Performed?

In this, the enlarged bone in your foot joint is first cut. And then it is broken and divided into two parts .And then a thin iron wire is inserted into these broken and divided bone pieces to straighten the alignment of these bones. By doing this, not only the shape of the foot is restored, but with the passage of time, the broken bone joints also begin to connect with each other and new bone growth begins. But all this can be a pain.

Although all this surgery is performed by ablating the foot. So that patients do not feel the intensity of pain during surgery. But still, when the effect of the drug on the bone wears off, the patient still feels a little of the pain.

Bunion Surgery

Bunion Surgery Cost:

How much will it cost to solve the bunion problems which is possible only through bunion surgery? Let’s look at this. As we know bunion problem is a serious problem and the need of bunion surgery arises when the patient is facing severe pain. Not everyone can undergo this surgery. It is not enough for every human being. Bunion surgery is an expensive treatment. Which is very difficult for a common and poor person to do. The cost of this varies according to the condition of the bunion.

If we look at the cost of bunion surgery for one foot only. So the cost of this one foot surgery, In America and other big countries abroad, it is from 6 thousand to 7 thousand dollars. The cost of bunion surgery also varies from country to country. Apart from this, the cost of bunion surgery depends on the health insurance and the condition of the bunion whether it is mild, moderate or large bunion.

Now let’s see what are the different bunion conditions on which the cost depends.

Factors on Which Surgery Cost Depends:

  1. Mild bunion
  2. Moderate bunion
  3. Large bunion
  4. Severe bunion

It should be clear that these are not all types of bunions, they are different situations of bunions, there are different cases.

Mild bunion:

This is a common bunion condition that can be cured with proper care. The cost of a bunion surgery situation usually starts at two or three thousand dollars. You are able to walk immediately after this surgery.

Moderate bunion:

This is an intermediate condition of bunion, in that bunion is neither too much nor too little. The cost of this old one is also very low, which ranges from three to eight thousand dollars.

Large and Severe bunion:

This is a serious situation for both Benin, in this situation of Benin, the patient does not have to face severe difficulties and pains. As the condition is severe, the cost of treatment and surgery is also very expensive. Lipoplasty surgery is used to treat large and severe bunions, which is one of the most expensive types of bunion surgery.

Lapiplasty bunion surgery:

Lapiplasty is the most expensive treatment for jerry bunion in the world. Lapiplasty surgery is an advanced level surgical procedure. While bunion surgery is an old and historical car of surgery. Advanced level instruments are used in this surgery.

How lapiplasty performed

In which it straightens the three corners of the bunion bone without breaking the bone and without cutting, whereas in bunion surgery, the enlarged bone of this joint is cut. And then it is broken and screws etc. are used inside it but still there is a possibility of bunion formation. Whereas in Lapiplasty surgery the bone is straightened without cutting and the joint is stabilized a little. So that there is no chance of becoming a bunion again.

Lipoblastic bunion surgery can cost up to $12,000.


After Lapiplasty Surgery, the patient is usually able to walk and walk within five to seven weeks. Before Lapiplasty Surgery, the patient’s feet are x-rayed. The condition of the bunion is assessed within the x-ray and later surgery is performed according to the condition. Titanium plates are used in the joint between the shin and the foot. That prevents bunions from forming again and resolves the bunion problem. Lapiplasty Surgery time is very short After Lapiplasty Surgery the patient is able to put pressure on the foot.

Bunion surgery is a complex surgery. 87% of people are disappointed with bunion surgery. 87% of these people say that once bunion surgery is done, there are chances of getting bunion again. Also there are many risks and complications of this surgery and what are the complications due to which people are very few in favor of bunion surgery

  • One of the complications from bunion surgery is the timing of the surgery. Bleeding and rupture of blood vessels are very likely during this surgery.
  • Bunions are likely to re-form even after surgery. It is not guaranteed that no more bunions will form after surgery.
  • After surgery, it may take a few weeks or even months for the patient to fully recover. During this period, the patient is confined to bed.
  • Even after the surgery, the patient has to face the same pain as during the surgery. There is no reduction in this pain.
  • In order to perform bunion surgery, it is important to consider the health and age of the patient and the pain caused by the bunion, because if there is a problem in any of these things, the surgery may fail. And surgery can be effective. If the surgery fails the first time, re-surgery is mandatory, which exposes the patient to many complications and difficulties.

For Further Information visit the following articles:

About Author:

I’m Ayesha Iqbal, a student studying MBBS at Services Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS) Lahore. I write about health for “GenZ Cares” because they care a lot about young people staying healthy. I do research and try new things to learn more about how to keep everyone feeling good. My articles focus on topics like nutrition, exercise, mental well-being, and ways to lead a healthier lifestyle. Through my writing, I aim to share valuable insights and practical tips that can make a positive difference in people’s lives.

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