Breast Cancer: 7 important Reasons Why They Don’t Work & What You Can Do About It

Introduction to Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a type of cancer relatively common type of cancer. In fact, that is the most common cancer in wide and most common cancer diagnosed in U.S. alone are diagnosed. Currently 4million women diagnosed in U.S. for breast cancer. Diagnosed is easier but it does mean a great deal of research and efforts is being put towards ending it and its working. survival rates continue to go up as treatments get better and more tailor made to each patient.

Types of Breast Cancer

There are 3 main types of breast=-cancer

  • Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS)
  • Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC)
  • Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC)

Possible causes of breast-cancer

Just like any cancer-breast cancer is the result of DNA mutation that instruct your cells to grow out of control. In this case it target the cells in the breast tissue. It’s the most common cancer among women in the United States, but it can also affect men. But only 1% men effected by breast cancer.

Risk factors of breast cancer

There are a wide set of risk factors. By having more of these risk factors, can increase your chances of developing breast-cancer. More than anything your risk increase by being a female.
There are many risk factors for breast-cancer and they are following:


Age is also an common risk factor of breast-cancer. The older you get the more likely a breast cancer diagnosis becomes.

History of Breast cancer

A history of breast-cancer increase your risk too. That includes your own personal history if you’ve had it before and your family history. If breast cancer is common in your family tree you are likely at increased risk of developing it.

Scientists have identified several genes that if inherited, are more likely to cause breast-cancer. There are many but the most common and well studied are

While they don’t make breast-cancer a certainly, your chances of developing it, much higher with these particular mutations. Beyond that radiation exposure at the any point in your life increase your risk of breast cancer.
As does having children are what is scientifically considered an older age. Starting menopause at the older age and taking post menopausal hormones.

Decrease Risk factors

There some things that can decrease your risk of breast cancer.

  • Self breast awareness is one. Make note of any type of changes that you notice in your breast examine. Women aged 40 and older should get yearly mammograms. Early detection is really your best defense based on your other personal risk factors. You have to consult with your doctor about studying at even a younger age.
  • Limit alcohol while not drinking lowers your risk factor the most. Drinking in moderation lowers your risk too.
  • Stay physically active and try to maintain a healthy weight. You can talk to your doctor if you struggle with this. In some cases, post-menopausal hormones are necessary and cannot be avoided. But be aware that they do seem to play a role in breast cancer risk.
  • if you give birth, the breastfeeding may reduce your chances of developing breast cancer in the future.


  • Breast cancer can have numbers of symptoms, especially when it is more advanced. Most people will not experience any symptoms when the cancer is still early.
  • The first symptom of breast cancer most people notice is a lump in their breast or some thickening, often without pain.
  • change in size, shape or appearance of the breast
    dimpling, redness, pitting or other
  • changes in the skin People with an abnormal breast lump should seek medical care, even if the lump does not hurt.
  • Most breast lumps are not cancer. Breast lumps that are cancerous are more likely to be successfully treated when they are small and have not spread to nearby lymph nodes.

Treatment of Breast Cancer

Treatment for breast cancer depends on the subtype of cancer and how much it has spread outside of the breast to lymph nodes (stages II or III) or to other parts of the body (stage IV).
Treatments for breast cancer are more effective and are better tolerated when started early and taken to completion.


Doctors combine treatments to minimize the chances of the cancer coming back (recurrence). These include:

1) surgery to remove the breast tumor

Surgery may remove just the cancerous tissue (called a lumpectomy) or the whole breast (mastectomy). Surgery may also remove lymph nodes to assess the cancer’s ability to spread.

2) Radiation therapy

radiation therapy to reduce recurrence risk in the breast and surrounding tissues. Radiation therapy treats residual microscopic cancers left behind in the breast tissue and/or lymph nodes and minimizes the chances of cancer recurring on the chest wall. Advanced cancers can erode through the skin to cause open sores (ulceration) but are not necessarily painful.

3) Medications to kill cancer cells

medications to kill cancer cells and prevent spread, including hormonal therapies.

4) Chemotherapy

chemotherapy or targeted biological therapies. Chemotherapy for breast cancer is often used after surgery. It can kill any cancer cells that might remain and lower the risk of the cancer coming back.

General information about Breast Cancer

These days, breast cancer survivors often live long, satisfying, happy lives. However, it’s not always smooth sailing after treatment is over. Breast cancer doesn’t have to be your identity.Around 85 out of every 100 women (around 85%) will survive their cancer for 5 years or more after diagnosis.It is possible for breast cancer to go into complete remission. This means that breast cancer treatment can be successful and that the cancer will not return.

Many people with localized or regional breast cancer survive for 20 years or longer after receiving a diagnosis and treatment. It is rare for someone with distant breast cancer to live for 20 years.Most people report a good quality of life after they complete breast cancer treatment [6-7]. However, you may have some late effects of treatment. However, you may have some long-term side effects or new side effects may occur months or even years after treatment ends.

Shannen Doherty and Breast Cancer

So many remembering this feisty actress who left quite a mark, not just on Hollywood, but in life. Shannen Doherty left memphis, Tennessee and took Hollywood by storm. she had strong talented, she shot the fame, fell from grace, reinvented herself unapologetic and always the picture of servior. She rose to fame with roles on “90210”,” Beverly Hills” and “charmed”. she was so open about her valiant fight with cancer for nearly a decade. Shannon Doherty not only rose to fame in her professional career journey, but also battled with an unbearable disease like cancer with tenacity and determination.

She opened up to the world about his lifelong cancer journey So that breast cancer awareness can increase significantly. Her battle with cancer set an example for countless others who are facing similar challenges of courage and perseverance and not giving up. Shannen Doherty was diagnosed with breast cancer in “March 2015” for the first time in her life’s journey of success, which was a painful and shocking news for her. And in “August 2015” underwent chemotherapy as a treatment for cancer. Then underwent mastectomy surgery in “May 2016”.

And shared his experience on social media all over the world so that the truth of cancer can be revealed to other people. In “April 2017”, after all efforts, Shannen Doherty finally succeeded in getting rid of cancer and announced to his fans that the cancer is in remission. This news gave Shannen Doherty a lot of encouragement and courage, she gave all the awareness about cancer and her journey to women at various events, interviews and platforms. But unfortunately Shannen Dorothy could not get rid of breast cancer completely. In “February 2020”, Shannen Doherty was revealed to have breast cancer back again and this time the cancer came out in a more dangerous and serious condition.

This time, his cancer had reached the fourth stage, which means it had spread to other parts of his body. Even after this devastating and frightening news, Shannen Doherty decided to continue to fight and fight against cancer. She tried everything possible to cure this cancer.
she passed away at the age of 53.

About Author

I’m Ayesha Iqbal, a student studying MBBS at Services Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS) Lahore. I write about health for “GenZ Cares” because they care a lot about young people staying healthy. I do research and try new things to learn more about how to keep everyone feeling good. My articles focus on topics like nutrition, exercise, mental well-being, and ways to lead a healthier lifestyle. Through my writing, I aim to share valuable insights and practical tips that can make a positive difference in people’s lives.

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This article is reviewed by “NASHIT ALIYAN“, a certified Surgical Technologist from Government College University Faisalabad under section 2017-2021. I am 17A medical officer as well as Strategic and financial planning expert and Proficient in surgical field. Me and my team use the latest technology to perform complex surgical procedures. I recommend to “GenZ Cares” because they are really hardworking in their work and care a lot about youth to staying healthy.

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